Hotel dei Vicari


Hotel dei Vicari


Scarperia is located in the center of the Mugello valley, at the foot of the Apennines, 30 km from Florence.

It was founded in 1306 by the Florentine Republic and gained importance thanks to its strategic position; it became the seat of the Vicariate in 1415 and the historic center still retains that medieval aspect especially around the central square where we can visit the Palazzo dei Vicari, once the home of the Vicar, which has undergone several changes over the centuries, with the high crenellated tower by Arnolfo di Cambio and the façade decorated with hundreds of coats of arms of the Vicars who have succeeded one another over the centuries.

After the earthquake of 1929, the restorations made it resemble Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. On the first floor there is the room that was once the chapel of the Vicars. Inside the notable building is the Museum of Cutting Irons, which preserves blades of all types and photographs documenting the production of knives.

The culture and production of knives in Scarperia represent the fulcrum of the museum itinerary; memories and stories through images and reconstructions of the working environment of the past.

In the KNIFE MAKING SHOP, right next to the Museum, it is possible to follow the stages of artisanal knife manufacturing; the visitor is also emotionally involved by trying to use the forge and the anvil, which were the equipment used by the cutler.

On the square in front of the palace we admire the church of SS. Jacopo and Filippo from the 14th century and the Chapel of the Madonna di Piazza (1320) with paintings and sculptural works. Also of notable importance are the Oratory of the Madonna dei Terremoti which houses a panel by Filippo Lippi, the Oratory of the Madonna del Vivaio (1724-41) by Alessandro Galilei and Villa “Il Torrino”, built on an ancient tower of the city walls . And just outside the town is the Parish Church of Fagna, mentioned in documents since 1018 and restored in 1700 in Rococo style.

The activity of cutlers in Scarperia has been documented since the early 16th century; still today many companies reproduce knives faithfully following tradition. Among other craft activities worth mentioning is the working of wrought iron carried out with traditional criteria. On the first Sunday of September, Scarperia is transformed into an ancient Renaissance village for the Diotto celebrations: throughout the day a historical procession with flag-wavers, ladies and knights crosses streets and squares to remember the foundation of the town in 1306, while the last On Sunday in May you can attend the infiorata, that is, streets and squares decorated with floral designs made by the citizens of Scarperia.

Suggested route

How to get there

From Hotel dei Vicari to the center of Scarperia
